During November and December 1994 and December 1995, the diving behavi
or of nine Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) breeding at P
eninsula Valdes,,Argentina was studied using time/depth recorders. Bir
ds spent most of their time underwater close to the surface although t
here was extensive activity at depths around 60 m. Maximum dire depth
recorded was 97 m which likely reflects the water depth. Maximum dive
depth was clearly regulated by ambient light intensity and no individu
al ever dived deeper than 12 m during darkness. There were positive re
lationships between a number of dive parameters and maximum depth reac
hed during the dive: total dive duration, descent duration, ascent dur
ation, bottom duration (the time spent at the deepest part of the dive
), rate of change of depth during the descent and rate of change of de
pth during the ascent. The dive patterns exhibited by Magellanic Pengu
ins were similar to those of other penguin species. More detailed comp
arison with other congeners showed differences in dive angles and dive
durations as a function of maximum dive depth. These could not, howev
er, be definitively ascribed to species-specific differences because i
ntra-specific inter-site variability appears high.