E. Coraboeuf et al., TRANSIENT OUTWARD POTASSIUM CURRENT AND R EPOLARIZATION OF CARDIAC-CELLS, Bulletin de l'Academie nationale de medecine, 182(2), 1998, pp. 325-335
The transient 4-aminopyridine-sensitive outward potassium current, Ito
, is one of the ionic membrane currents involved in the repolarization
of cardiac action potentials. It is present in several species (rat,
dog, human) but not in guinea pig ventricle. It induces both a marked
lowering of the ventricular action potential plateau level and an earl
y repolarization wave in the ventricular ECG complex of hypothermic ra
ts. In dog ventricle where Ito is much shorter than the action potenti
al plateau it can induce only a transient initial repolarization (notc
h). The distribution of Ito is heterogeneous across the dog left ventr
icular free wall, the current being of sizeable amplitude in epicardia
l and midmyocardial layers but absent in the endocardial layer. As a r
esult, ventricular action potentials exhibit a notch only in epicardia
l and mid layers. Although the physiological role of Ito remains uncle
ar, we suggest that it can participate in the control of calcium curre
nt intensity by influencing the level of the initial part of the plate
au. In pathophysiological conditions, Ito may exert unfavourable effec
ts, specially during simulated ischemia when the notch reaches the cel
lular repolarization threshold thus inducing premature termination of
the action potential an obvious cause of drastic electrical heterogene
ity and resulting severe arrhythmias. The current Ito is reduced in mo
derate cardiac hypertrophy and dilatation and almost entirely suppress
ed in severe hypertrophy. Ito is of larger amplitude in human atrial t
han in ventricular myocytes. The heterogeneous distribution of Ito des
cribed in the dog has also been found in human ventricles. Because Ito
is markedly prolonged at low temperatures it is suggested that it can
be responsible for the early repolarization wave (J wave) observed in
the ECG of subjects submitted to hypothermia.