Recovery processes In rolling-deformed (001)[110] tungsten single crys
tals having various degrees of purity are investigated, It is shown th
at the dislocation structure formed in the plastic deformation of tung
sten single crystals is transformed in subsequent high-temperature ann
eals to a system of dislocation sudboundaries; only polygonization, wh
ich preserves the single-crystal structure, takes place in samples hea
ted to a temperature close to the melting point. The formation of subb
oundaries proceeds in two stages with subsequent transformation of the
unstable structure to a configuration having an energy minimum. The d
ecisive factor affecting the polygonization rate is the stacking fault
energy; the presence of impurities also has a significant influence.
(C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S1063-7834(98)02003-6].