Oxygen, nitrogen and neon pick-up ions of interstellar origin were det
ected for the first time with the Solar Wind Ion Spectrometer (SWICS)
on board Ulysses. The interstellar origin of these ions is established
by the following criteria: (a) they are singly charged, (b) they have
the broad velocity distributions characteristic of pick-up ions, with
an upper limit of twice the solar wind speed, (c) their relative abun
dance as a function of distance from the sun corresponds to the theore
tical expectation, and (d) there is no relation to a planetary or come
tary source. The interstellar abundance ratios He+/O+, N+/O+, Ne+/O+ w
ere investigated. At approximately 5.35 AU in the outermost part of Ul
ysses' trajectory He+/O+ = 175(-50)+70, N+/O+ = 0.13(-0.05)+0.05 and N
e+/O+ = 0.18(-0.07)+0.010 were determined. For the interstellar gas pa
ssing through the termination region and entering the heliosphere [He/
O]0 = 290(-100)+190, [N/O]0 = 0.13(-0.06)+0.06 and [Ne/O]0 = 0.20(-0.0
9)+0.12 were obtained from the pick-up ion measurements. Upper limits
for the relative abundances of C+ and C were also determined.