The magnetic phase diagram of Dy (T-N = 179 K) shows the presence of t
wo phases at elevated fields and temperatures, and these are presumed
to be fan structures. Neutron scattering experiments were performed to
determine the magnetic structures of these phases at 141, 149 and 172
K with magnetic fields between 0 and 1.8 T. It was found that the str
uctures were characterized by two modulation wave vectors at 141 and 1
49 K and by only one modulation wave vector at 172 K, As the helical-f
an-ferro structural changes occur, the satellite peak intensity shifts
to the fundamental peaks. However, the sum of the peak intensities is
not conserved because some of this intensity goes into a diffuse comp
onent covering a large range of wave vectors. The general features of
the data are reproduced by a mean-field and Monte-Carlo calculations.
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