Atomic bound state energies are drastically changed by many-particle e
ffects such as dynamical self-energy, dynamical screening and Pauli bl
ocking (phase space occupation). The continuum edge is changed, too, s
o that the effective ionization energy may tend to zero with increasin
g density and bound states do not exist (Mott effect). Another possibi
lity to influence the energy spectrum is the application of external e
lectrical fields (Stark effect). Both the many-particle effects and th
e external field lead to a level broadening, i.e., to finite lifetimes
of the two-particle states. In this paper, an effective Schrodinger e
quation is solved which takes into account both influences on the two-
particle spectrum and wave functions. Real and imaginary parts of the
spectrum are determined using the complex scaling method. The interrel
ation between external fields and many-particle effects is investigate
d. The work is of interest for kinetic properties of plasmas with ioni
zation and recombination processes, where there is a competition of th
e influences mentioned.