Adonis sect. Consiligo is split into three subsections based on morpho
logy, growth pattern, pollen and fruit morphology. For all species dis
tribution maps are provided and discussed with regard to their ecology
and climatic requirements. These data reveal additional. characters t
hat support the classification of the taxa. Most species of the sectio
n grow in continental Eurasiatic steppes and mountain steppe habitats.
Only the species of subsect. Amurenses grow in Far Eastern temperate
forests and prefer a more oceanic climate. The taxonomic position of t
hese strongly divergent species is supported by the distributional and
ecological data. The evolution of Adonis sect. Consiligo occurred und
er strong climatic control. During evolution the taxa could only sligh
tly widen their ecological amplitude and, thus, ecology remained rathe
r stable except that of the subsect. Amurenses. Ecological and distrib
utional data can be used to validate taxonomy and phylogeny and reveal
additional informations.