Positron emission tomography was used to identify brain regions that s
howed general increase or decrease in regional cerebral blood how (rCB
F) across time that was task-independent. Twelve male subjects were sc
anned eight times: the first and last scans were taken while subjects
performed a baseline fixation task and the middle six scans were taken
while subjects performed a visuomotor activation task. To determine w
hether there was a consistency across different studies in the regions
that showed this time-related change in rCBF two additional datasets
were analyzed. There were similarities across all three studies in the
regions that showed a monotonic task-independent change in activity.
In all three studies there was a general bilateral decrease in rCBF of
occipital and temporal areas across scans that might be related to ha
bituation in the visual domain. Increases in rCBF were found in anteri
or cingulate, postcentral gyrus, and precentral gyrus across studies.
It is likely that these changes reflect motor learning and motor progr
am retrieval. This implies that, unless the experimenter controls for
time-dependent changes in brain activity, the interpretation of task-r
elated changes in rCBF may be confounded by these monotonic changes in
rCBF. We present analytic strategies to identify experimental effects
that are independent of nonspecific time effects, which can be used w
hen it is not possible to control these effects through counterbalanci
ng the experimental design. Nonspecific confounds are particularly rel
evant in functional MRI studies in which the number of scans acquired
per study is much larger, (C) 1998 Academic Press.