Gt. Ibragimova et Rc. Wade, IMPORTANCE OF EXPLICIT SALT IONS FOR PROTEIN STABILITY IN MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS SIMULATION, Biophysical journal, 74(6), 1998, pp. 2906-2911
The accurate and efficient treatment of electrostatic interactions is
one of the challenging problems of molecular dynamics simulation. Trun
cation procedures such as switching or shifting energies or forces lea
d to artifacts and significantly reduced accuracy. The particle mesh E
wald (PME) method is one approach to overcome these problems by provid
ing a computationally efficient means of calculating all long-range el
ectrostatic interactions in a periodic simulation box by use of fast F
ourier transformation techniques. For the application of the PME metho
d to the simulation of a protein with a net charge in aqueous solution
, counterions are added to neutralize the system. The usual procedure
is to add charge-balancing counterions close to charged residues to ne
utralize the protein surface. In the present article, we show that for
MD simulation of a small protein of marginal stability, the YAP-WW do
main, explicit modeling of 0.2 M ionic strength (in addition to the ch
arge-balancing counterions) is necessary to maintain a stable protein
structure. Without explicit ions throughout the periodic simulation bo
x, the charge-balancing counterions on the protein surface diffuse awa
y from the protein, resulting in destruction of the beta-sheet seconda
ry structure of the WW domain.