The interdisciplinary nature of polymer electrolytes is briefly survey
ed. The 1970s are identified as a decade of change from a 'classical'
period of polymer science, in which the foundations of the chemistry a
nd physics of the subject were established alongside the consumer plas
tics industry, to a period in which scarcer research funds became dire
cted towards increasingly interdisciplinary and collaborative projects
and in which commercial applications and environmental factors became
increasingly prominent. The introduction of polymers with high levels
of ionic conductivity and their adoption by the wider technological c
ommunity is an apparent consequence of the research and industrial exp
erience of the author together with the 'new' climate of the 1970 s wh
ich also gave rise to other areas of electroactive polymer activity. S
ome further developments in polymer electrolytes during the 1980 s and
closer to the present time are also briefly reviewed. (C) 1997 Elsevi
er Science Ltd. All rights reserved.