The lateral eyes of the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus undergo dram
atic daily changes in structure and function that lead to enhanced ret
inal sensitivity and responsiveness to light at night. These changes a
re controlled by a circadian neural input that alters photoreceptor ac
id pigment cell shape, pigment migration, and phototransduction. Clock
input to the eyes also regulates photomechanical movements within pho
toreceptors, including membrane shedding. The biochemical mechanisms u
nderlying these diverse effects of the clock on the retina are unknown
, but a major biochemical consequence of activating clock input to the
eyes is a rise in the concentration of cAMP in photoreceptors and the
phosphorylation of a 122 kDa visual system-specific protein. We have
cloned and sequenced cDNA encoding the clock-regulated 122 kDa phospho
protein and show here that it is a new member of the myosin III family
. We report that Limulus myosin III is similar to other unconventional
myosins in that it binds to calmodulin in the absence of Ca2+; it is
novel in that it is phosphorylated within its myosin globular head, pr
obably by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. The protein is present throug
hout the photoreceptor, including the region occupied by the photosens
itive rhabdom, We propose that the phosphorylation of Limulus myosin I
II is involved in one or more of the structural and functional changes
that occur in Limulus eyes in response to clock input.