Atrial arrthytmias resistant to medical therapy are still a common ind
ication for ablation of the normal atrioventricular conduction pathway
(Tawara node and His Bundle). However, the development of catheter te
chniques of intra atrial ablation to destroy arrhythmogenic nic myocar
dial zones enables radical cure of the arrhythmias with the respect of
the nodo-hisian pathway. With respect to common flutter, a number of
series, including our own, show a 50 to 75 % long-term success rate. W
e believe that a very high success rate in the ablation of flutter wil
l probably be achieved in a reproducible manner but this will require
a more accurate understanding of the tachycardia circuit and technolog
ical developments allowing controlled radio-frequency destruction of b
igger atrial myocardial zone. Experience of radio-frequency ablation a
trial of atrial extrasystoles is more limited than that of flutter and
there are fewer published series. Globally, catheter ablation of atri
al tachycardia remains a more difficult and a less well codified proce
dure than that of accessory pathways or of intra-nodal reentry. Radio-
frequency ablation in this indication is not without danger in view of
the thinness of the atrial wall. We believe that radio-frequency cath
eter ablation for atrial arrthythmias should, for the moment, be reser
ved for centres specialised in the techniques of electrophysiological
investigation and ablation.