A. Weller et L. Weller, ASSESSMENT OF MENSTRUAL REGULARITY AND IRREGULARITY USING SELF-REPORTS AND OBJECTIVE CRITERIA, Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology, 19(2), 1998, pp. 111-116
To assess subjective and objective definitions of menstrual regularity
, and the relationship between them, 114 university students (mean age
20.3 years) prospectively recorded eight consecutive menstrual dates
and reported whether thy considered themselves 'regular' or 'irregular
'. The percentage of women who reported being menstrually 'regular' or
menstrually 'irregular' war compared with a classification developed
according to a criterion based upon the results of their prospective m
enstrual records. According to self-reports and objective measures of
regularity, a similar portion of the women (about 70%) were regular. B
ut when cross-classifying regularity and non-regularity by the two pro
cedures, it was found that only 44% of those who defined themselves as
irregular were likewise defined by the objective criteria, whereas 82
% of the women who defined themselves as regular were also deemed so b
y the objective criteria. It is concluded that some women will, and ot
hers will not, construe 'variability' as 'irregularity'.