M. Richardson, PESTICIDES - FRIEND OR FOE, Water science and technology, 37(8), 1998, pp. 19-25
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Water Resources","Environmental Sciences","Engineering, Civil
ISSN journal
Year of publication
19 - 25
SICI code
Pesticides, where used correctly, can save up to 40% in crop losses; h owever, when pesticides are mal-, mis- or over-used the environmental and public health consequences can be very considerable. The United Na tions has issued a list of chemicals that are banned or severely restr icted in use; many of the chemicals on this list are pesticides. Whils t the use of highly persistent pesticides such as DDT has proved very effective in the eradication of diseases such as malaria, the adverse effects to the natural environment have been devastating - whole popul ations of birds have been eliminated. Within the former Soviet Union, the use of highly persistent pesticides was widespread; this has resul ted in contamination of both crops, with pesticide residues well in ex cess of internationally acceptable maximum residue limits, and water r esources to such high level that remediation through natural processes will take decades, or by xenobiotic or physicochemical precesses will be extremely costly. This is an extraordinary situation as the former Soviet Union had one of the most stringent of environmental regulatio n - the GOST regulations; unfortunately these were not pragmatic and r arely applied. When in the Ukraine in 1994, I heard that farmers where paid for every application made; the result was crops, soil, water an d the environment were highly contaminated, and in some cases the land became barren. Currently, the situation in some countries is that no pesticides are being applied because under the new market conditions f armers cannot afford to purchase pesticides. In Armenia in July 1995, one could not purchase fruit which was not diseased. The effects of mi s-use of pesticides are known to cause very serious adverse effects to human health: in some countries children are exhibiting excessive can cer incidences; crops found to be highly contaminated with up to five different pesticides are being condemned, often being burnt in the fie lds. As these crops in all probability contained now banned and highly persistent pesticides, mere burning at low temperatures is producing even more toxic dioxins, furans, etc. This leads to both air and soil contamination. One answer would be for the farmer to be obliged to pay for high-temperature incineration in a high-tech incinerator in a dev eloped country, which, subject to prior informed consent, could cost U S $ 5000/tonne. However, the application of modem pesticides in accord ance with manufacturers' specifications can incur none of these proble ms; this presentation will outline how pesticides can be used judiciou sly. (C) 1998 IAWQ. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.