The authors present a histologic analysis of 19 Branemark titanium imp
lants retrieved for different causes: four implants were removed for a
butment fracture, one for dental nerve dysesthesia, two for bone overh
eating, two for peri-implantitis, nine for mobility, one for unknown c
auses. In the implants removed for fracture a high bone-implant contac
t percentage was present (71.83 +/- 4.96%) with compact, mature bone a
t the interface. The picture of the failure due to bone overheating wa
s characteristic with the presence of bone sequestra and of a gap betw
een implant and bone filled by lymphocytes and plasma cells: many bact
eria surrounded the necrotic bone and no newly regenerated bone was pr
esent. In peri-implantitis an inflammatory infiltrate was observed in
the peri-implant tissues: a dense fibrous connective tissue was presen
t around implants failed for mobility. The microscopical picture is ce
rtainly extremely important in identifying the causal determinants of
an implant failure. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All ri
ghts reserved.