Supraventricular tachycardias (SVTs) generally present with ''narrow''
(or normal) QRS complexes, unless aberrantly conducted, and are commo
nly seen in the emergency department (ED). Narrow QRS complex tachycar
dia is defined as a heart rate faster than 100 bpm with a BRS duration
shorter than 0.12 seconds, or 120 msec. Narrow QRS complex tachycardi
as are common and occur in all age groups. Their clinical presentation
is variable; they can be scarcely perceptible or result in syncope or
congestive heart failure. The urgency and choice of clinical manageme
nt is based on the hemodynamic assessment and understanding of the tac
hycardia mechanism. This article provides a diagnostic approach to the
patients presenting with regular narrow QRS complex tachycardias.