Cost reduction in fluid therapy may be possible without a loss in qual
ity of medical therapy if the following principles are adhered to. 1:C
ompare the prices of different manufacturers. 2:The greater the produc
t unit the cheaper the milliliter. Adherence to this principle is limi
ted by hygienic and logistic considerations. 3: 0.9% NaCl-solution is
cheaper than Ringer's lactate-solution. Lactated Ringer's solution sho
uld be used, only, if there are contraindications against the higher s
olute concentrations and tonicity of 0.9% NaCl. 4: Crystalloids are ch
eaper than colloids. When choosing between these two options intravasa
l duration of action and specific adverse events must be considered. 5
: Cost reduction by differential indication of artificial colloids. Co
mparing prices, one must consider risk of anaphylactoid/anaphylactic r
eactions, duration of action,limitation of dosage and possible hemosta
sis disorders. 6: Restrictive use of albumin. Albumin is the most expe
nsive colloid. There are no reasons for routine use.