In recent years there has been a great deal of interest in demonstrati
ons of the so-called ''Perceptual-Magnet Effect'' (PME). In these stud
ies, AX-discrimination tasks purportedly reveal that discriminability
of speech sounds from a single category varies with judged phonetic ''
goodness'' Of the sounds. However, one possible confound is that categ
ory membership is determined by identification of sounds in isolation,
whereas, discrimination tasks include pairs of stimuli. In the first
experiment of the current study, identifications and goodness judgment
s were obtained for vowels (/i/-/e/) presented in pairs. A substantial
shift in phonetic identity was evidenced with changes in the context
vowel. In a second experiment, listeners participated in an AX-discrim
ination task with the vowel pairs from the first experiment. Using the
contextual identification functions from the first experiment, predic
tions of discriminability were calculated using the classic tenets of
Categorical Perception. Obtained discriminability functions were well
accounted for by predictions from identification. There was no additio
nal unexplained variance that required the proposal of ''perceptual ma
gnets.'' These results suggest that PME may be nothing more than furth
er demonstration that general discriminability is greater for cross-ca
tegory stimulus pairs than for within-category pairs. (C) 1998 Acousti
cal Society of America.