Findings in previous investigations have indicated that contrast-enhan
ced colour Doppler can be used to improve the demonstration of charact
eristic features of neovascularization in malignancies. However, the q
uantification of the increase in colour Doppler signals after Levovist
in the cited study relied only on descriptive criteria defined by the
investigator, resulting in a subjective scoring system. A computer-as
sisted method for quantitative analysis of colour pixel density is a n
ovel approach for objective assessment of colour Doppler signal after
contrast media administration. After microbubble contrast medium injec
tion in 47 patients, carcinomas and benign lesions behaved differently
regarding degree, onset and duration of Doppler enhancement. However,
the high interindividual variability and the temporal Variations of t
he Doppler signal still limit the Value of these criteria for prospect
ive diagnosis. Rapid image-acquisition techniques are needed in order
to apply the necessary mathematical processing before the contrast kin
etics can be used for diagnostic purposes.