Objective The objective was to determine intestinal microvascular endo
thelial cell control after sequential hemorrhage and bacteremia. Summa
ry Background Data Sepsis that follows severe hemorrhagic shock often
results in multiple system organ failure (MSOF) and death. The sequent
ial nature of this clinical scenario has led to the idea of a ''two-hi
t'' theory for the development of MSOF, the hallmark of which is perip
heral vasodilation and acidosis. Acute bacteremia alone results in per
sistent intestinal vasoconstriction and mucosal hypoperfusion. Little
experimental data exist to support the pathogenesis of vascular dysreg
ulation during sequential physiologic insults. We postulate that hemor
rhagic shock followed by bacteremia results in altered microvascular e
ndothelial cell control of dilation and blood flow. Methods Rats under
went volume hemorrhage and resuscitation. A sham group underwent the v
ascular cannulation without hemorrhage and resuscitation, and controls
had no surgical manipulation. After 24 and 72 hours, the small intest
ine microcirculation was visualized by in vivo videomicroscopy. Mean a
rterial pressure, heart rate, arteriolar diameters, and A1 flow by Dop
pler velocimetry were measured. Endothelial-dependent dilator function
was determined by the topical application of acetylcholine (ACh). Alt
er 1 hour of Escherichia coli bacteremia, ACh dose responses were agai
n measured. Topical nitroprusside was then applied to assess direct sm
ooth muscle dilation (endothelial-independent dilator function) in all
groups. Vascular reactivity to ACh was compared among the groups. Res
ults Acute bacteremia, with or without prior hemorrhage, caused signif
icant large-caliber Al arteriolar constriction with a concomitant decr
ease in blood flow. This constriction was blunted at 24 hours after he
morrhage but was restored to control values by 72 hours. There was a r
eversal of the response to bacteremia in the premucosal A3 vessels, wi
th a marked dilation both at 24 and 72 hours. The sequence of hemorrha
ge and E, coil resulted in a progressive enhanced reactivity to the en
dothelial-dependent stimulus of ACh in the A3 vessels at 24 and 72 hou
rs. Reactivity to endolhelial-independent smooth muscle relaxation and
subsequent vessel dilation was similar for ail groups. Conclusions Th
ese data indicate that there is altered endothelial control of the int
estinal microvasculature after hemorrhage in favor of enhanced dilator
mechanisms in premucosal vessels with enhanced constrictor forces in
inflow vessels. This enhanced dilator sensitivity is most evident in s
mall premucosal vessels. This experimental finding supports the premis
e that an initial pathophysiologic stress alters the subsequent microv
ascular blood flow responses to systemic inflammation. These changes i
n the intestinal microcirculation are in concert with the ''two-hit''
theory for MSOF.