Identifying characteristics that distinguish youth who achieve adaptiv
e outcomes in the face of adversity from those who do not has furthere
d our understanding of developmental psychopathology. However, accumul
ating evidence indicates that particular characteristics rarely serve
exclusively risk or protective functions, that individuals who seem re
silient on one index often do not seem so on other indices, and that i
ndividuals often are not equally resilient across contexts. These find
ings call for a dynamic conceptualisation of resiliency that can accou
nt for why the ways children cope with stressors vary across domain, d
evelopment, and context. We organise resiliency research into a framew
ork based on a recently proposed dynamic conceptualisation of personal
ity (Mischel gr Shoda, 1995). This framework assumes that understandin
g why some children show resilience in the face of adversity whereas o
thers show difficulties requires identifying: (a) the content of and r
elational structure among relevant psychological mediators such as com
petencies, expectancies, values, and goals; and (b) the relation betwe
en these psychological mediators and relevant features of the environm
ent. To illustrate the potential of this approach to further our under
standing of resiliency, we examine and reconsider the link between IQ
and conduct problems.