Y. Wang et al., OZONOLYSIS FOR SELECTIVELY DEPOLYMERIZING POLYSACCHARIDES CONTAINING BETA-D-ALDOSIDIC LINKAGES, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United Statesof America, 95(12), 1998, pp. 6584-6589
The depolymerization of polysaccharides, particularly those containing
acid-sensitive components, into intact constituent repeating units ca
n be very difficult. We describe a method using ozonolysis for depolym
erizing polysaccharides' containing beta-D-aldosidic linkages into sho
rt-chain polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. This method is carried
out on polysaccharides that have been fully acetylated whereby beta-D-
aldosidic linkages are selectively oxidized by ozone to form esters, f
rom which the polysaccharides are subsequently cleaved with a nucleoph
ile. Ozone oxidation of aldosidic linkages proceeds under strong stere
oelectronic control, and reaction rates depend on the conformations of
glycosidic linkages. Thus, beta-D-aldosidic linkages-with different c
onformations can have very different reaction rates even in the absenc
e of substantial chemical differences. These rate differences allowed
for very high selectivity in cleaving beta-D-linkages of polysaccharid
es. Several polysaccharides from group B Streptococcus and other bacte
rial species were selectively depolymerized with this method. The repe
ating units of the group B Streptococcus polysaccharides all contain a
n acid-sensitive sia]ic acid residue in a terminal position on a sidec
hain and several beta-D-residues including galactose, glucose, and N-a
cetylglucosamine; however, with each polysaccharide, one type of linka
ge was more reactive than others. Selective cleavage of the most sensi
tive linkage occurs randomly throughout the polymer chain, yielding fr
agments of controllable and narrowly distributed sizes and the same re
peating-unit structure. The average size of the molecules decreases ex
ponentially, and desired sizes can be obtained by stopping the reactio
n at appropriate time points. With this method the labile sialic acid
residue vias not affected.