Pre-Columbian Mixtec social organization was distinguished by the tigh
t endogamy of the ruling class, which included many consanguineous mar
riages. It was also characterized by a vigorous historical and genealo
gical tradition. The historical documents, or codices, provide materia
ls for the calculation of the levels of inbreeding present before the
Spanish Conquest. A genealogical analysis of inbreeding was performed
on the combined pedigree, which spanned the tenth through sixteenth ce
nturies, of all individuals connected by ancestry, descent, or marriag
e with Lord 8 Deer Jaguar Claw of Tilantongo (A.D. 1063-1115). Sixty o
f the 217 couples (27.65%) were consanguineous. When only couples of w
holly known grandparentage were considered (N = 39), F = 0.1051. The m
ean F of all couples, even those where one spouse was of unknown paren
tage, was 0.0243. Over the 550 years of the pedigree the maximum F in
any 52-year period was 0.1324. This level of inbreeding is sufficient
to produce noticeable effects on population structure and affinities o
ver time.