Background: Fifty-one cases of de novo fibroadenoma in women aged 35 y
ears and older were found during an analysis of 117 729 visits to the
Wesley Breast Clinic from 1990 to 1996. Methods: The clinical, mammogr
aphic and ultrasound diagnosis of fibroadenoma was confirmed by either
fine needle aspiration cytology or histology of an open biopsy specim
en. In all cases there was a well-documented previous visit available
for review, at which there was no clinical or radiological evidence of
the fibroadenoma. Results: Thirty-seven of the de novo fibroadenomas
were palpable, the remainder satisfying strict mammographic and/or ult
rasound criteria. Four of the new fibroadenomas were in women aged 50-
52. Conclusions: This study provides information about the natural his
tory of fibroadenomas, confirming that they can appear for the first t
ime in middle-aged women. This has important clinical implications, si
nce new lesions appearing in women over 35 have tended to be automatic
ally categorized as suspicious of carcinoma. However, a multidisciplin
ary approach involving clinical examination, mammography, ultrasound,
and fine needle aspiration cytology or core biopsy can result in a con
fident diagnosis of fibroadenoma. This will allow some women with new
lesions to be managed conservatively rather than by open biopsy.