Objective: To evaluate the performance of two pulse oximeters in the m
easurement of arterial hemoglobin saturation in hypoxemic children. De
sign: Prospective, repeated measures observational study. Setting: A 1
6-bed pediatric intensive care unit in a children's tertiary hospital.
Patients: Sixty-six patients with arterial saturation of <90%. Interv
entions: Three arterial blood samples were taken from each subject dur
ing a 48 hr period. Pulse oximeter measurements of arterial saturation
were compared with arterial saturation determined by cooximetry. Meas
urements and Main Results: Arterial saturation was measured using one
or both pulse oximeters (Spo(2)) and compared with the arterial hemogl
obin saturation determined by cooximetry (Sao(2)). Sixty-two subjects
were studied, using the Ohmeda pulse oximeter giving 185 data points (
78 with saturations <75% [defined by the average of pulse oximeter and
cooximeter]) 53 subjects were studied, using the Hewlett-Packard puls
e oximeter yielding 155 data points (60 with saturations <75%). Spo(2)
ranged from 24% to 94%. Bias and precision of the Ohmeda pulse oximet
er were -2.8% and 4.8% >75% and -0.8% and 8.0% <75%. Bias and precisio
n of the Hewlett-Packard pulse oximeter were -0.5% and 5.1% >75% and 0
.4% and 4.6% <75%. Intrapatient regression coefficient (r) for the dif
ferences between pulse oximeter and cooximeter was 0.58 for the Ohmeda
and 0.59 for the Hewlett-Packard. Regression coeffi cients for predic
ting change in cooximeter value given a change in the Ohmeda pulse oxi
meter were 0.59 and 0.71 <75% and >75%, respectively. Similar coeffici
ents for the Hewlett-Packard pulse oximeter were 0.50 and 0.70, respec
tively. Conclusion: The performance of the Ohmeda pulse oximeter deter
iorated below an Spo(2) of 75%. The Hewlett-Packard pulse oximeter per
formed consistently above and below an Spo(2) of 75%, The ability of b
oth pulse oximeters to reliably predict change in Sao(2) based on chan
ge in pulse oximetry was limited. We recommend measurement of Pao(2) o
r Sao(2) for important clinical decisions.