We reevaluate the contribution of Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) spallation
to the abundances of the Li, Be, and B elements at various metallicit
ies. We calculate absolute yields, as was formerly done by Reeves and
collaborators in their pioneering studies. We discuss all the relevant
parameters (spectrum shape and flux, escape length, cross sections, a
nd spectral index) in the light of updated cosmic-ray data. We assume
a dependence of the flux phi(t) on the supernova rate, phi(t) proporti
onal to (dN(SN)/dt)(x), and we introduce the calculated production rat
es of LiBeB in a standard model of chemical evolution of the Galaxy. W
e find that the light elements are overproduced by GCR spallation with
respect to their solar abundances unless (1) the cosmic-ray injection
spectrum strongly flattens out at low energies or (2) the dependence
of the cosmic-ray flux on the supernova rate is weak, i.e., x less tha
n or equal to 1. We argue that constraint (1) should be expected in no
nlinear shock acceleration, and is also supported by the relatively we
ak ionization rate of the interstellar medium; constraint (2) could re
sult from the fact that supernovae occur in associations in superbubbl
es, where cosmic-ray fluxes of different supernovae do not add linearl
y. We argue that even with substantial modifications, GCRs are not abl
e to account for the BeB abundances at low metallicities. We then disc
uss the new mechanisms proposed to account for these abundances. When
incorporating a new mechanism of spallation, the above constraints are
more demanding. Finally, we propose a solution to explain all the abs
olute abundances of Li-6, Be-9, B-10, and B-11, in which Galactic cosm
ic ray spallation and spallation by fast C and O nuclei originating fr
om stellar winds and/or massive star explosions each produce about hal
f of the solar/meteoritic abundances; neutrino-driven spallation in Ty
pe II supernovae contributes to similar or equal to 15% of the B-11 me
teoritic abundance.