This is a report of the techniques used and the outcome in two patient
s who underwent endoscopic transanal rectal stricturoplasty. Both pati
ents had rectal strictures at the site of previous colorectal stapled
anastomosis, and had failed to respond to balloon dilatation. The stri
cturoplasties were carried out with the use of a laparoscopic linear c
utter passed transanally. In one patient a colonoscope was used to vis
ualize the stricture, whereas in the second patient a laparoscope (pas
sed transanally) was used. The operating times were 65 and 59 min, res
pectively. There were no complications, and both patients were dischar
ged the next day. Both patients are asymptomatic after 9 and 7 months
of follow-up. A colonoscopy carried out at 6 months has shown patent a
nastomosis in both patients. Endoscopic transanal rectal stricturoplas
ty is a safe and effective technique in dealing with benign rectal str
ictures and can be performed in an outpatient basis.