Dry deposition of NH3 and NOx (NO and NO2) can affect plant metabolism
at the cellular and whole-plant level. Gaseous pollutants enter the p
lant mainly through the stomata, and once in the apoplast NH3 dissolve
s to form NH4+, whereas NO2 dissolves to form NO3- and NO2-. The latte
r compound can also be formed after exposure to NO. There is evidence
that NH3-N and NOx-N can be reversibly stored in the apoplast. Tempora
ry storage might affect processes such as absorption rate, assimilatio
n and re-emission. Once formed, NO3- and NO2- can be reduced, and NH4 can be assimilated via the normal enzymatic pathways, nitrate reducta
se (NR), nitrite reductase and the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synt
hase (GS/GOGAT) cycle. Fumigation with ion; concentrations of atmosphe
ric NH3 increases in vitro glutamine synthetase activity, but whether
this involves both or only one of the GS isoforms is still an open que
stion. There seems to be no correlation between fumigation with low co
ncentrations of NH3 and in vitro GDH activity. The contribution of atm
ospheric NH3 and NO2 deposition to the N budget of the whole plant has
been calculated for various atmospheric pollutant concentrations and
relative growth rates (RGRs). It is concluded that at current ambient
atmospheric N concentrations the direct impact of gaseous N uptake by
foliage on plant growth is generally small.