The visual processes in the human retina begin with absorption of phot
ons from light. This light energy is converted into electrical stimuli
in a series of enzymatic steps which initiates neural responses to li
ght. Therefore, any structural and functional abnormalities in these m
olecules will likely interfere with signal transduction which may ulti
mately lead to blindness. A new era began in 1990 with an ultimate goa
l of redefining and developing new treatments for the photoreceptor di
sorders by identifying mutations in the genes encoding phototransducti
on cascade enzymes. As a result of this intense investigation around t
he world, mutations have now been identified in eight genes, in severa
l retinal dystrophies. Almost all of these genes encode signal transdu
ction enzymes and all are highly expressed in photoreceptor cells. Thi
s effort has been further aided by gene disruption technology. Althoug
h there are many puzzles that need to be solved, these approaches have
given some insight into the genetic eye disorders and will undoubtedl
y improve our understanding of inherited eye disorders in the future.
This improved knowledge may eventually lead to prevention or a cure. (
(C) Societe francaise de biochimie et biologie moleculaire/Elsevier, P