Event history analysis was applied to monthly life and drug histories
of a representative community sample of 706 marijuana users, followed
from ages 15-16 to 34-35, to investigate factors associated viith cess
ation of marijuana use from adolescence to adulthood. In addition to a
ge and gender, the most important determinants of cessation are the ph
enomenology of marijuana use, social role participation, depressive sy
mptoms and deviance. Frequent users, those who started using early and
those who use illicit drugs other than marijuana are more likely to c
ontinue their marijuana use. Using marijuana for social reasons accele
rates cessation, using to change one's mood reduces cessation. Becomin
g pregnant and a parent is the most important social role leading to m
arijuana cessation for women. There is also a very important experimen
tal effect of the interview itself on the reported timing of a cessati
on. The effect of a social context favorable to marijuana use appears
to reflect selection rather than social influence. (C) 1998 Elsevier S
cience Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.