Splenic epidermoid cysts are rare congenital lesions which usually pre
sent insidiously with non-specific symptoms such as dull left upper qu
adrant pain, or as incidental findings on clinical examination. We pre
sent a chicken breeder who presented as an emergency with a tender lef
t upper quadrant mass and septicaemia secondary to zoonotic infection
of a primary splenic cyst with Salmonella enteritidis. The cystic natu
re of the swelling was confirmed by ultrasound and the anatomy assesse
d with computed tomography. She was aggressively resuscitated and unde
rwent laparotomy and splenectomy, after which she made an uncomplicate
d recovery. The importance of early diagnosis and surgical treatment i
s discussed, together with the measures required as prophylaxis agains
t overwhelming post-splenectomy sepsis.