Piracetam, the standard nootropic drug, is known to improve a whole se
ries of mental activities, particularly higher cortical functions. Rec
ently, this drug has come under investigation as a cerebroprotective a
gent in ischaemic stroke. In vitro studies showed cerebral metabolism-
stimulating effects, which formed the basis for the interpretation of
in vivo studies. These studies have demonstrated some benefits under e
xperimental conditions of brain-lesioning influences (e.g. central isc
haemia, hypoxia, etc.). Piracetam has possible neuromodulatory, cerebr
ovascular and electrophysiological effects, as well as beneficial ther
apeutic effects on the microcirculation. Its haemorrheological and ant
ithrombotic properties suggest the possible use of piracetam in ischae
mic cerebral infarction and as a cerebroprotective agent in stroke. Pu
blished data have shown that the pharmacokinetic properties of piracet
am in animals and humans are similar after oral and intravenous admini
stration, resulting in almost complete oral bioavailability.