Yellowfin shiner, Notropis lutipinnis, movements were observed in two
streams located near Clemson, South Carolina (USA). Subcutaneous paint
tags were used to associate fish with the pools in which they were in
itially captured, tagged and released. Few mortalities related to mark
ing techniques were observed in both captive and held-tagged fish. Tag
longevity varied among paint colors used and anatomical locations mar
ked. Movements were inferred from recaptured fish collected over a 12-
month period. Recaptures within release pools were proportionally grea
ter than movements outside release pools, although the sampling techni
que used likely overestimated recaptures within release pools. Recaptu
res outside release pools were more frequent in late spring and early
summer, coinciding with the N. lutipinnis spawning season. The linear
home range estimate for this species was 42.9 +/- 79.0 m, although thi
s represents a minimum estimate because complex movements by individua
l fish could not be detected.