The efficacy of a behavioral intervention to reduce human immunodefici
ency virus (HIV) risk behaviors was tested in a randomized, controlled
trial with three high-risk populations at 37 clinics from seven sites
across the United States. Compared with the 1855 individuals in the c
ontrol condition, the 1851 participants assigned to a small-group, sev
en-session HIV risk reduction program reported fewer unprotected sexua
l acts, had higher levels of condom use, and were more likely to use c
ondoms consistently over a 12-month follow-up period. On the basis of
clinical record review, no difference in overall sexually transmitted
disease (STD) reinfection rate was found between intervention and cont
rol condition participants. However, among men recruited from STD clin
ics, those assigned to the intervention condition had a gonorrhea inci
dence rate one-half that of those; in the control condition. Intervent
ion condition participants also reported fewer STD symptoms over the 1
2-month follow-up period. Study outcomes suggest that behavioral inter
ventions can reduce HIV-related sexual risk behavior among low-income
women and men served in public health settings. Studies that test stra
tegies for reducing sexual risk behavior over longer periods of time a
re needed, especially with populations that remain most vulnerable to
HIV infection.