Let G be a group or a group scheme. We establish formulas for the equi
variant Euler characteristic of locally free G-modules on a projective
G-scheme: We prove an Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem and, under a certain
continuity assumption for the push-forward map, a Grothendieck-Rieman
n-Roch theorem in (higher) equivariant K-theory. Furthermore, we prese
nt the following applications: The Adams-Riemann-Roch theorem implies
that Adams operations and induction for representations commute with e
ach other. In case of a flag variety G/B, the continuity assumption me
ntionned above is verified, and the Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem
yields a new proof of the Weyl character formula. (C) Elsevier, Paris.