Scale, sludge and drilling mud from three geothermal fields (Bulalo, P
hilippines; Cerro Prieto, Mexico; and Dixie Valley, USA) containing As
, Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb at levels above the earth's crustal abundance were
studied for their environmental impact. Several techniques and proced
ures were used to assess the risk posed by the residues: whole rock an
alysis, Xray diffraction, radioactivity counting, protocol leach tests
, toxicity testing, accelerated weathering test and a preliminary acid
mine drainage potential test. There was no evidence of toxicity or ge
notoxicity present in any of the samples tested. Leaching tests indica
ted that all of the wastes could be classified as non-hazardous. One s
ample showed a low-level radioactivity but it was still within the occ
upational dose limit. Three samples tested positive for acidification
potential while none of the regulated elements were found in the leach
ate after three months of weathering test.