The water balance method is a widespread approach for estimating the v
olumes of leachate that a landfill is likely to produce. Yet, this met
hod does not always adequately reproduce observed patterns of landfill
leachate production. This paper proposes a modified approach that tri
es to account for the hydrologic behaviour of the waste in a manner wh
ich is believed to be consistent with field measurements. The conceptu
al model considers that a certain proportion of infiltration into the
waste percolates rapidly through preferential pathways, while the rema
ining infiltration is absorbed by the waste and released following a f
irst-order kinetic relationship. A comparison between the proposed mod
el and leachate volumes measured daily at two municipal solid waste la
ndfills in France over a period of up to nine months suggests that the
proposed approach is capable of reproducing observed behaviour. Moreo
ver, the values attributed to the fitting parameters in order to obtai
n a satisfactory match between measured and calculated data are consis
tent with knowledge of the systems at hand and with the results of pre
vious authors. While the proposed approach is not expected to improve
substantially the long-term predictive capability of landfill leachate
modelling, it is believed to be well suited for hydrologic performanc
e diagnosis and for landfill leachate treatment system design.