One hundred seventy-eight isolates of Mycobacterium bovis were subject
ed to DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, us
ing the direct repeat element (DR) and the polymorphic CC-rich repeat
sequence (PGRS) as probes. By combining the patterns generated by the
two repeat DNA elements, 93 different patterns were observed. One hund
red-one isolates were grouped in clusters, which include 25 different
clusters. One pattern was the most frequently observed, clustering 18.
5% of isolates. It was only found in the Center and northeast regions
of Argentina and in one isolate from Paraguay. The isolates from Brazi
l analyzed here presented exclusive patterns (only found in a particul
ar region). The number of exclusive patterns was high in all Argentine
regions: northeast 78%, center 81%, and Buenos Aires 81%. (C) 1998 El
sevier Science B.V.