Light absorbed by a photopigment in a photoreceptor cell causes a phot
ochemical reaction converting the 11-cis retinal chromophore into the
all-trans configuration. These changes lead to a series of events that
causes cGMP hydrolysis, a following decrease of cGMP in the cytoplasm
of the photoreceptor outer segment and a closure of cGMP-gated cation
ic channels. As a consequence of these processes the membrane hyperpol
arizes. In pineal photoreceptor cells of lower vertebrates these proce
sses are only partly investigated. Molecules involved in the phototran
sduction process and the desensitization, like opsin, vitamin A, alpha
-transducin and arrestin, have been immunocytochemically localized in
pineal photoreceptors and also electrophysiological studies have shown
that phototransduction mechanisms in pineal photoreceptors might be v
ery similar to those found in retinal photoreceptors. This review will
summarize some of the current knowledge on pineal photoreception and
compare it with retinal processes. ((C) Elsevier, Paris).