This paper synthesises a series of empirical analyses investigating th
e role of urban space in affecting minority employment outcomes. It br
oadens the focus beyond transport and the 'friction of space' and expa
nds the data available for spatial research. The empirical analyses sh
are a common framework linking 'access' to youth labour market perform
ance. The first set of results is based on aggregate data relating acc
ess to employment outcomes for black youth at the metropolitan level.
Access is broadly defined to include traditional measures of geographi
cal distance, as well as measures of social isolation or social access
. Metropolitan areas in which the black poor are more spatially isolat
ed are also found to have higher black youth unemployment rates. The s
econd body of evidence relies on the same type of metropolitan measure
s, combined with individual data on youth living with at least one par
ent. When individual and family characteristics are controlled for, an
d white and Hispanic youth are also considered, metropolitan measures
of social access exert distinguishable effects upon youth employment-y
outh living in urban areas in which they have less residential contact
with whites or the non-poor are less likely to be employed. The final
piece of analysis links the individual records of such youth to tract
-level measures of access, both social (neighbourhood composition vari
ables) and geographical (job-access measures). This is accomplished th
rough the creation of a unique data set at the Bureau of the Census. A
gain, after controlling for individual and family characteristics, the
residential conditions of youth affect their employment. Ceteris pari
bus, youth living in census tracts with fewer employed adults, with fe
wer whites, and which are further from jobs are less likely to be empl
oyed. Results suggest that the overall effects of space on employment
outcomes are substantial, explaining 10-40 per cent of the observed ra
cial differences in employment in four urban areas examined. Of this '
spatial' effect, the bulk arises from social/informational measures; j
ob access appears to play a much smaller role. However, when measured
more precisely, at the census-tract level, job access does have a sign
ificant effect on youth employment. This effect is less important than
other spatial influences. Spatial influences are less important in ex
plaining outcomes than are differences in human capital.