The induction of apoptosis in thymocytes by the glucocorticoid dexamet
hasone was used as a model system to investigate whether there are cha
nges in 20 S and 26 S proteasome activities during apoptosis, We obser
ved that thymocytes contain high concentrations of proteasomes and tha
t following treatment with dexamethasone, cell extracts showed a decre
ase in proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity which correlated with the
degree of apoptosis observed. The decrease in chymotrypsin-like activ
ity of 20 S and 26 S proteasomes was still apparent after these comple
xes had been partially purified from apoptotic thymocyte extracts and
was therefore not due to competition resulting from a general increase
in protein turnover. The trypsin-like and peptidylglutamylpeptide hyd
rolase activities of proteasome complexes were also observed to decrea
se during apoptosis, but these decreases were reversed by the inhibiti
on of apoptosis by the caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp
(OMe)-fluor omethylketone. However, the chymotrypsin-like activity of
proteasomes decreased further in the presence of the apoptosis inhibit
or. Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone was found to inhibit the chymotryps
in- and trypsin-like activity of 26 S proteasomes in vitro. The decrea
se in proteasome activities in apoptosis did not appear to be due to a
decrease in the concentration of total cellular proteasomes. Thus, th
e early decreases in 20 S and 26 S proteasome activities during apopto
sis appear to be due to a down-regulation of their proteolytic activit
ies and not to a decrease in their protein concentration. These data s
uggest that proteasomes may be responsible, in thymocytes, for the tur
nover of a protein that functions as a positive regulator of apoptosis