The influence of technological operations during rape-seed oil product
ion on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations in by-prod
ucts, intermediate and final ails was evaluated The decrease of light
PAHs, benz(a)anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene during processing of crude
oil to the deodorized product was significant at the 95% confidence in
terval in most batches analysed. Deodorization and alkali-refining wer
e the steps contributing most to the PAH decrease. The I relationship
between PAH levels in rapeseed (and consequently in refined oil) and t
he duration of storage period was studied. The contamination of raw ma
terial processed a short time after. harvesting was significantly high
er than that of the rapeseed stored in silos for several months. Analy
ses of rapeseed samples, which were re-purified in rite laboratory, re
vealed that solid particles, which contaminate rapeseed during harvest
ing, initial treatment, transport and storage, contributed to PAH cont
amination to the extent of 36% (light PAHs) to 64% (heavy PAHs) on ave
rage. Further experiments demonstrated that PAHs in re-purified rapese
ed were concentrated in the cuticular layer, because they were removed
well from the whole seeds by simple rinsing with organic solvent in a
n ultrasonic bath without losses of rapeseed oil. Alternative expressi
ons of total PAH contamination (e.g. various PAH groups and/or differe
ntly defined B(a)P toxic equivalents) al e discussed and their effect
on drawing conclusions about PAH elimination rate has been demonstrate