We describe a technique for the quantitative description of social sys
tems produced by aggressive interactions between individuals. The assu
mption underlying the technique is that individuals often employ one o
r both of two different strategies to gain access to resources. One st
rategy is to use an established relationship to claim resources wherev
er they are found (dominance); the other is to exclude competitors fro
m resources in a specific area (territoriality). Our technique allows
us to quantify the degree to which the behavioral dimension of each of
these strategies is manifested by each individual and also by the who
le set of interacting individuals. It will be possible to correlate th
e quantified social system variables generated by this approach with q
uantified ecological variables, such as population density and abundan
ce of food, thus contributing to the development of a more rigorous be
havioral ecology. We illustrate this method with quantitative descript
ions of variation in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) corre
lated with variation in population density and stream flow velocity.