In 1991 the Netherlands Glaucoma Patient Association organized a glauc
oma screening survey. This survey was designed to evaluate the effecti
veness of a low cost, screening setting. During a screening period of
8 days, 1259 subjects over the age of 49 years were examined by a team
of non-ophthalmologically trained students. The following screening m
ethods were used: visual field analysis (Henson CFS3000 perimeter), re
tinal nerve fiber layer photography (Canon non-mydriatic camera), intr
aocular pressure measurement (Pulsair non-contact tonometer) and deter
mination of the peripheral anterior chamber depth (slitlamp biomicrosc
ope, the van Herick method). In a later stage, subjects with glaucomat
ous abnormalities in the visual field and/or the photograph were re-ex
amined by a glaucoma specialist using applanation tonometry, gonioscop
y, ophthalmoscopy and Humphrey 30-2 visual field analysis. The time ta
ken to conduct the individual screening tests in a subject varied from
1 to 5 min: perimetry took 5 min, photography 2 min, tonometry 3 min
and angle-width determination 1 min. Fifty-six (4.4%) subjects showed
glaucomatous defects in perimetry and/or photography. Thirty-seven cou
ld be re-examined and glaucoma was diagnosed in 16 subjects. Visual fi
eld defects and glaucomatous abnormalities in the photograph were conf
irmed by Humphrey perimetry in 72.7% and 35.7% respectively. Sixty-sev
en (5.3%) subjects had an intraocular pressure above 21 mm Hg, while n
o cases of angle closure glaucoma were found in this population. The c
osts of this screening setting were estimated at Fl. 48,60 per screen.
A future low cost screening survey might be limited to non-contact to
nometry and visual field analysis with the Henson CFS3000 perimeter or
a similar device, using suprathreshold testing with a limited number
of points. Screening might be performed by non-medically trained emplo
yees. The costs of such a screening program may be estimated at Fl. 16
,- per screen and Fl. 1.989,- per glaucoma case using a mobile screeni
ng unit (addendum).