Striatal dopamine transporter function and dopamine D2 receptor status
were evaluated in 15 patients with early untreated Parkinson's diseas
e using single photon emission tomography (SPECT) with I-123-Iodo-2 be
ta-carboxymethoxy-3 beta-(4-idiophenyl)tropane (beta-CIT) and I-123- I
odobenzamide (IBZM) as pre- and postsynaptic ligands. Symptoms were un
ilateral in five patients and bilateral but asymmetric in 10 patients.
Patients with bilateral symptoms had significantly lower 18-hour stri
atal/cerebellar beta-CIT binding ratios (3.59 +/- 0.79) than hemiparki
nsonian patients (5.76 +/- 1.48, p < 0.05) reflecting more advanced di
sease in this sub-group. Patients with bilateral parkinsonism were als
o found to have a significant side-to-side difference in striatal beta
-CIT binding with more marked reduction contralateral to the presentin
g limb (18-hour striaral/cerebellar ratio: 4.13 +/- 0.78 [ipsilateral]
versus 3.59 +/- 0.79 [contralateral], p < 0.05). Dopamine D2 receptor
binding as measured by IBZM was significantly elevated contralateral
to the affected side in hemiparkinsonian patients (striatal/cerebellar
ratio: 2.42 +/- 0.90 [contralateral] versus 2.19 +/- 0.80 [ipsilatera
l], p < 0.05). This asymmetric upregulation was absent in the patients
with bilateral parkinsonism (striatal/cerebellar ratio: 1.85 +/- 0.43
[contralateral to more severely affected side] versus 1.83 +/- 0.34 [
ipsilateral], p > 0.05), Our data suggest that postsynaptic dopamine r
eceptor upregulation contralateral to the presenting side occurs in un
heated unilateral PD and disappears in untreated bilateral (asymmetric
) PD despite a greater loss of dopamine transporter function. Combined
beta-CIT and IBZM SPECT studies may be helpful to monitor the progres
sion of nigrostriatal dysfunction in early PD.