Kerrick and Caldeira (1993, 1994a) concluded that metamorphic CO2 dega
ssing in collisional orogens, and especially the Himalayan orogenic be
lt, could have been an important factor in enhancing paleoatmospheric
CO2 levels and contributing to early Cenozoic global greenhouse warmin
g [Kerrick, D.M., Caldeira, K., 1993. Paleoatmospheric consequences of
CO2 released during early Cenozoic regional metamorphism in the Tethy
an orogen. In: Touret, J.L.R., Thompson, A.B. (Guest-Eds.), Fluid-Rock
Intel.action in the Deeper Continental Lithosphere. Chem. Geol. 108,
201-230.] [Kerrick, D.M., Caldeira, K., 1994a. Metamorphic CO2 degassi
ng and early Cenozoic paleoclimate. GSA (Geol. Sec. Am.) Today 4, 57-6
5.]. However, our revised CO2 mass loss computations for regional meta
morphism in the Himalaya-Karakoram belt incorporating recent geochrono
logic data and revised estimates of the proportion of carbonate source
rocks indicate that metamorphic CO2 degassing from this orogen cannot
explain Early Eocene warmth. Widespread pluton-induced hydrothermal f
low occurred during the Eocene in the Cordilleran belt of western Nort
h America. Synmetamorphic intrusions, which are common in metamorphic
belts, may cause significant regional fluid flow. To obtain a represen
tative CO2 flux from such environments, we computed a CO2 flux of 1.5
x 10(12) mol km(-2) Ma(-1) from petrologic and geochemical studies of
the Paleozoic plutonic-metamorphic belt in New England (northeastern U
nited States). For the 2 X 10(6) km(2) area of Eocene metamorphism in
the North American Cordillera, the CO2 fluxes derived from the New Eng
land metamorphic belt yield an area-integrated flux of similar to 3 x
10(18) mol Ma(-1). If a significant fi action of this CO2 entered the
atmosphere, this degassing flux would alone account for Eocene greenho
use global warming. For the Ominica belt within the Cordilleran orogen
, a volumetric estimate of the mass of carbonate veins indicates that
the consumption of CO2 by precipitation of carbonate veins may not sig
nificantly decrease the amount of CO2 in fluids that convect to near-s
urface crustal levels. Compared to other Eocene metamorphic belts, the
widespread hydrothermal activity in the North American Cordillera may
have been the largest, and most climatically significant, source of m
etamorphic CO2 to the Eocene atmosphere. CO2 degassing by active metam
orphism is most significant in extensional regimes of high heat flow.
Extensional tectonism and hydrothermal activity in metamorphic belts m
ay have substantially contributed to atmospheric CO2 content throughou
t the Phanerozoic. Examples include the Mesozoic circum-Pacific metamo
rphic belt, and Oligocene-Miocene regional metamorphism in the Himalay
an orogen. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.