The H-alpha filtergrams, off-band images and H-alpha spectra of a surg
e and accompanying active objects were obtained at Yunnan Observatory
on March 19,1989. Magnetograms of the corresponding super-active regio
n were also obtained at Huairou-Beijing Observatory. The morphology an
d evolution of the surge and other active objects are considered based
on the H-alpha filtergrams. The analysis of the H-alpha spectral prof
iles allows us to derive two-dimensional kinematic behaviours and velo
city fields of the surge and other active objects. A two-cloud model a
nd Beckers's one-cloud model are applied and discussed. The results sh
ow that the surge is present not only as an ascending movement with an
average velocity V of about 70 kms(-1), but also a rotational motion
with an average angular velocity omega of 1.5 x 10(-3) arc.s(-1). Both
motions decrease with height above the solar limb. An expansion veloc
ity of 25 kms(-1) is detected. The helical motion in the surge can be
explained successfully by the theory of plasma double pole diffusion c
aused by a sharp density gradient between the surge and the surroundin
g corona.