Objective: To assess the risk of fetal loss attributable to second-tri
mester amniocentesis. Methods: A cohort study was undertaken among sin
gleton pregnant women undergoing genetic amniocentesis and controls ma
tched prospectively on a one-to-one basis, matched strictly for matern
al age, parity, and socioeconomic status. Both groups were recruited a
t 15-24 weeks' gestation and observed until delivery. The fetal loss r
ates of the groups were compared. Results: A total of 2256 pairs were
recruited to the study. After excluding those pairs lost to follow-up,
those with fetal malformation, and those later proven to have major c
hromosomal abnormalities, 2045 matched pairs were compared by pregnanc
y outcomes. There were no significant differences in fetal loss rates,
premature deliveries, or placental abruptions between the study and c
ontrol groups (P >.05). However, this study did not have enough statis
tical power to identify differences of less than 1%. Conclusion: Secon
d-trimester amniocentesis is probably not associated with a greater fe
tal loss rate than that of matched controls. (C) 1998 by The American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.