In the study of the resolvent of a scalar elliptic operator, say, on a
manifold without boundary there is a well-known Agmon-Agranovich-Vish
ik condition of ellipticity with parameter which guarantees the existe
nce of a ray of minimal growth of the resolvent. The paper is devoted
to the investigation of the same problem in the case of systems which
are elliptic in the sense of Douglis-Nirenberg. We look for algebraic
conditions on the symbol providing the existence of the resolvent set
containing a ray on the complex plane. We approach the problem using t
he Newton polyhedron method. The idea of the method is to study simult
aneously all the quasihomogeneous parts of the system obtained by assi
gning to the spectral parameter various weights, defined by the corres
ponding Newton polygon. On this way several equivalent necessary and s
ufficient conditions on the symbol of the system guaranteeing the exis
tence and sharp estimates for the resolvent are found. One of the equi
valent conditions can be formulated in the following form: all the upp
er left miners of the symbol satisfy ellipticity conditions. This subc
lass of systems elliptic in the sense of Douglis-Nirenberg was introdu
ced by A. KOZHEVNIKOV [K2].