Unitary currents were recorded from inside-out membrane patches pulled
from Xenopus oocytes that had been injected with RNA transcribed from
a cDNA encoding the Drosophila maxi-K channel (Slowpoke). Site-direct
ed mutagenesis was used to make cDNAs encoding channel subunits with s
ingle amino acid substitutions (Y308V and C309P). The extracellular si
de of the patch was exposed to tetraethylammonium (TEA) in the pipette
solution; unitary currents in the presence of TEA were compared with
currents in the absence of TEA to compute the inhibition. Amplitude di
stributions were fit by P functions to estimate the blocking and unblo
cking rate constants. For wild-type channels, TEA blocked with an appa
rent K-d of 80 mu M at 0 mV and sensed 0.18 of the membrane electric f
ield; the voltage dependence lay entirely in the blocking rate constan
t. TEA blocked currents through C309P channels with a similar affinity
to wild-type at 0 mV, but this was not voltage-dependent. Currents th
rough Y308V channels were very insensitive to any block by TEA; the ap
parent K-d at 0 mV was 26 mM and the blockade sensed 0.18 of the elect
ric field. Oocytes injected with a mixture of RNAs encoding wild-type
and Y308V channels showed unitary currents of four discrete amplitudes
in the presence of 3 mM TEA; at 40 mV these corresponded to inhibitio
ns of approximately 80%, 55%, 25% and 10%. These values agreed well wi
th these expected for inhibition by TEA of currents through channels c
ontaining 3, 2, 1 and 0 tyrosine residues at the channel mouth, assumi
ng that a tyrosine residue from each of four subunits contributes equa
lly to the binding of the TEA ion. This indicates that Slowpoke channe
ls form as tetramers.